Enquire about residency
Our incubator provides residents with facilities, support, a deep tech community and low-cost, flexible rent to help you grow.
Flexible workspace, community, & support
As a resident, you will get:
- Affordable and flexible office space that grows as you do
- Shared design & prototyping space
- A community of 45 deep tech startups and like-minded entrepreneurs
- Regular community and leadership events
- Regular check-ins with Cicada team and Expert-in-residence
- Personalised intros to industry, government & investors
- Access range of commercialisation training programs
Find out more about other resident benefits by getting in touch with us below
Submit your details to get in touch with our team
The community has been extremely valuable, we've successfully collaborated with other portfolio companies and have a vast network at our fingertips. The connections we’ve established will no-doubt be instrumental as we continue to expand our business globally.
Something Powerful
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The headline and subheader tells us what you're offering, and the form header closes the deal. Over here you can explain why your offer is so great it's worth filling out a form for.
- Bullets are great
- For spelling out benefits and
- Turning visitors into leads.