Software as a medical - specialisations

The Software as a Medical Device Specialisation course will help you navigate the market and regulatory landscapes for Software as a Medical Device (SAMD) products, develop skills in capital raising and crafting a robust go-to-market strategy and pitch deck.

By the end of this course, you will understand how to:  

  • Identify your pathway to market in Australia, EU and/or USA/FDA

  • Best develop and design SAMD products

  • Navigate the specific regulatory challenges of SAMD

  • Navigate the data privacy and security requirements of building a SAMD product

  • Raise capital and apply for grant funding

  • Build a portfolio of work including a go to market strategy and a rounded out pitch deck

This course is delivered in partnership with ANDHealth, Australia's National Digital Health Initiative.

Applications are closed for 2024.

This course is free for those based in NSW, there is a fee for those based in all other states.

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Medical Devices Specialisations course is part of the NSW Health Commercialisation Training Program. 

The Program aims to fast-track innovative ideas that will revolutionise the healthcare sector, improve patient outcomes, and provide economic opportunities for emerging medtech and biotech businesses in NSW. 

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