May 2022 CEO Update

What will Australia be known for in 25 years? Read Sally-Ann's Column in the Australian Financial Review Every day at Cicada, I am surrounded by people with a vision for a better future. It may take many years and great minds to make a reality but it is always a bold vision that inspires talented people to work hard on big problems. The thing I want to see most from this new parliament, is that kind of North Star thinking from our next prime minister. A leader with a vision for Australia to inspire us all. I congratulate and welcome the incoming Prime Minister and Government and look forward to working with them to progress Australia's deep tech industry. Our future economic prosperity and geopolitical leadership hangs on our ability to establish sovereign capabilities in future-critical industries. Australia’s economy must be complex, with R&D at its core. We need more deep tech businesses born out of R&D that continue to invest in future development, scientific endeavour, discovery and invention. The world is facing too many long term challenges for short thinking. We need our own moonshot. Someone to put a steak in the ground and say ‘this is what Australia is going to be known for in 25 years’. Australia’s new prime minister must therefore urgently lay out their bold vision - complete with concrete commitments - for a future that extends well beyond their tenure in office. They must today consider what their legacy will be tomorrow. I deeply believe that once we have this vision, the investment to fund it, infrastructure to build it, and skills to cultivate the type of economy where future-critical deep tech companies flourish will happen. |
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